Monjunis on Youree Drive is a place where our famous sweet sauce brings together friends and family.  If you love our food, thank kitchen manager, Irma Jean, (who has been with us since our doors opened) for her love, dedication and loyalty to our product. If you enjoy the spicy flavors in our food, thank Doc, whose heart, personality and smile has been our secret ingredient for many years.

If you appreciate good customer service thank general manager, Todd Mitchell, son-in-law, for his time, devotion and passion for making your experience enjoyable. You may even recognize, Mr. Mike, who has been a part of our waitstaff for over ten years.

Youree Drive has changed since we opened and Monjunis has continued to


grow and evolve with it.  The one thing that has not changed is our work ethic, our love for good food and our dedication to your Monjunis' experience.

Thank you for your continued patronage! We look forward to serving you soon.